Friday, November 14, 2008

xbox 360 pro holiday bundle

Buy xbox 360 pro holiday bundle?

Ok so unless you're a young child, Kung Fu Panda may not appeal to you. I haven't played it yet but am keeping it for my young niece and nephew. But I do believe the Lego game can be enjoyed by all ages. The Lego Star Wars game was very fun and a clever way to reproduce a movie with some extra latitude. I had a 20GB 360 about a year ago. That thing would overheat (but not die) unless I had it in a vertical position, angled just right so most of the bottom was unsupported. I didn't have HD at the time and wasn't finding a lot of games that I like so I sold it. But now that I have a big screen HD, and many games have come out, I bought this holiday set. I probably would have bought the Lego game by itself so this was a treat. I almost bought the Arcade version but knew that I'd need a hard drive for game demos and saves. The two games are in the same case and I almost thought they weren't in the box! The game case is stored on the inside of one of the walls of box. I seriously thought I got shorted the games until I finally ripped the box apart more. All in all this was a great purchase. I have the unit horizontal on a table with no heat issues at all. The power supply is orange/amber when not in use, which I thought meant something was wrong, but it just means standby. If you're in the market for a new xbox 360 pro holiday bundle you'd be almost nuts to pass this bundle up - much better than last years. The Marvel game had last-gen graphics and the racing game was forgettable. I can't wait to play Lego Indiana Jones!